Lelio Campanile

1 minute read

I have a degree in computer engineering, I currently work as assistant professor (RTDa) at Department of Mathematics and Physics of Università degli Studi della Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, previously I worked at the University of Campania ”L. Vanvitelli” as a computer scientist professional and as a freelancer for the design and development of software systems, as an administrator of linux systems and as a network systems engineer. I have a long experience as a trainer and teacher for companies and public institutions, I taught for 3 years for the Apple Academy of Naples in foundation courses. I am a member of Italian Python Association and I am a Managing PSF (Python Software Foundation) Member. Passed the government exam and licensed as a professional engineer section A - Informatics (Computer Science), and enrolled as a member of the Italian Engineering Society; I am member of IEEE and other scientific societies.

I regularly publish peer reviewed articles, including Journal, conference and book chapters and I have served as scientific conference commitee, chairman and reviewer for several scientific journal.

My research activity is primarily focused on modeling of complex computer-based system, Wireless Sensor Network and Cyber-Physical Systems, using formal and non-formal method, with a focus on Machine Learning and Deep Learning and eXplainable Artificial Intelligence techniques and their integration in the modeling and analysis of such systems and non-functional requirements such as performance, privacy and security.

I am involved in Pyton Italia community and in the organization of its flagship conference PyconIT. I am founder and meet-up organizer of PyCampania, the Python Campania Community.